Friday, December 5, 2008

Positive Effect of Gum

Many people fear that eating candy, because They fear that it contain many sugar, which is quite usually causing cough.

But now there is research that eating candy is a positive thing, especially chewing gum. From the results of the research found that if people who eat the gum, value postive that he get to their health is:

  1. Make our face so fresh. This is not because the composition of the candy are contained, but when we chew gum, musculature work that make our face musculature to be relaxing.
  2. Make us away from the stress, because the relaxation effect.
  3. Expedite the circulation of blood to the brain, so that the more oxygen to the brain we get.
Extraordinary isn't it? With a small price you can achieve greater health, if you try to compare with smoking with highest price. Will it be over rival the miracle of chewing gum?